Whelan Files, 1940-1980 Communications, pictures, scrapbook, collectibles, and you can prizes

Whelan Files, 1940-1980 Communications, pictures, scrapbook, collectibles, and you can prizes

Good. and you can Anna Graham Papers, 1919 Characters from Mrs

10662 Thomas Elizabeth. Whelan is the original North Dakotan become designated just like the an excellent U.S. ambassador and you can supported from inside the Nicaragua, 1951-1961. (.25ft/oversize)

10669 Monson Loved ones Photos, california. 1916-1919 Photo out-of families, farming items and you may implements, pupils at enjoy, pet, farmstead property, family interior spaces (chairs, textiles), area points, outdoor recreation, places of worship, locations, universities, build for the farmstead property, and you may guys leaving to own Go camping Dodge, IA (1917). All photographs was consumed in Walsh Condition (ND) throughout the 1910s, even though the range is sold with pictures into the Gladmar, Saskatchewan, Canada. (514 negatives/prints)

10674 Plants C. Burr Records, ca. 1900-1940 Correspondence, a beneficial poster, permits, photographs, and piece tunes, particular written by Blossoms. (.25ft)

10676 Hugh C. McCreery Papers, california. 1914-1990 Logs, correspondence, images, scrapbooks, movie flick, guides, take a trip diaries, and you can collectibles away from McCreery, a hydraulic engineer into U.S. Geological Questionnaire from inside the Bay area, The state, Helena, MT, and you may Bismarck, ND. (3ft)

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